Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sloshing through the mud

We had a competition with our district/zone this week.  They are excited about it and they are all contacting a lot more people than normal and are finding a lot of new people too!  There are a couple of them who always comment on it in the nightly verification's. haha

     You asked where we got the pizza with French fries on top.  We bought it at a place called Quijote Pizzeria and we got another one today, it was really delicious. haha   

     This week mostly we have done a load of contacting.  We found a few but really no one with strong potential.  We are still going to be having to look for a lot of new people. The area here really isn`t very easy.  It is a lot like alberdi.

     The zone doesn’t have any baptisms super close right now.  There are only 2-3 people who are even kind of close right now and they have big obstacles like getting married so we will see how that goes.

     It hasn’t been too hot here because we have had a lot of rain this week.  It has more just been muddy than anything and of course our area is on the edge of the city where all the dirt roads are, haha so we have tons of mud to go through.
     Right now our closest investigators to baptism are a couple that the man needs to finish his divorce (and he is close!) and they need to get married afterwards. I think that it could happen.  We will see with this week.
     I love you guys very much and can’t wait to hear from you next week!

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