Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't Cry for Me Argentina I'M GOING HOME!!!

Tell Dad I will be wearing a suit and a tie so he will be able to recognize me at the airport, haha

This week was good! It was pretty crazy because we had to help the office out a lot. The cool thing was that I got to be on divisions with E Ratliff again during the time there helping out the office. We stayed at their pensh for two nights. This was all because of this huge trip of 50 missionaries to Uruguay. They had to go there to become legal. I would have gone too if I weren`t going home. There have been a lot of crazy trips like that lately and I think that there are a couple more coming up. Me and Elder Ratliff shared a ton of stories and we had a great time. We have decided that we would have been best friends if we would have known each other outside of the mission and that we are going to find each other after. 

We did a lot of random tasks helping the office. We had to clean up a lot. We had to go to the mail to get the letters for the mission. We had to bring Presidents car to the car wash. Lots of just random task. I also was in charge of verifying CD to make sure that they work and if not then we played a new game we invented "cd hockey" haha

We visited a couple families here, on Saturday night we went to a member named Hno Dapiano and we ate an asado with him, it was awesome! Then Sunday we visited the family Azares. I will put the pictures in Dropbox. Tomorrow I will see the family Lugo and I am hoping to see Sonia and her family (maybe Cesar too) and Barbara (although I don`t think she will make it.). We will see who makes it tomorrow!

Our Christmas party will be the last thing that we do. But it will be a lot of fun. We are going to have a spiritual part and then a sport part and then we will all eat pizza together. Also I am making banana bread for Elder Fiabane for his birthday which is today. It should be really fun!

Well, it is time for me to go so I will see you guys soon!!!! I can`t wait at all!!! Love you!!

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