Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The most robbed companionship :)

... The baptism of Vilma this week didn`t happen the way we had hoped... It was sooo much better!!! A couple days before the baptism we were talking with Jenni`s mom (Vilma`s daughter) and she gave Jenni permission to be baptized!! So it turned out that we had two baptisms instead of one!! Also they invited us to come over Sunday after church and eat asado with them!! It was really good. It brought back memories of Circunvalacion and the great asados we would eat every Sunday. We also ended up watching the Joseph Smith movie with them because some members came to visit and brought it to watch and we were there so we thought why not have a free member present lesson and watch a movie?

It is still hot in the day but it is starting to get cold at nights. The winter will start coming in a month or two.

Our water is kind of working again mah o meno. We usually have had water in the sink but not bathroom but recently it seems to be fixed (at least as much as it ever will, because we are in Argentina). The outside seems to always have water now and the inside does most of the time and when it does it is a powerful stream not just a dribble.

Lately I have been studying in Preach my Gospel Chapter 3. President Heyman has been giving teachings about it and about teaching the true doctrine. So I have been reviewing the true doctrine specifically on the commandments right now. I don`t know if you saw any pictures but he came and taught about it in a district meeting last week and took pictures. I`m not sure if they went on his blog or his Instagram (I think it is rheyman or something like that).

Everyday we clap houses... That is like all we do anymore. This last week we have been over at Vilma`s house and clapping the whole week. We seriously went there every day this week because of how many people we are teaching there. I think that a lot of their family will end up getting baptized especially because Vilma did! She is very well known in the area and has the kisco that everyone goes to visit. Then at nights there are always like 30 kids there playing. The whole street there are relatives. There are like 60+ people and they are all aboriginies (argentine Indians o sea the Lamanite descendants).

If you have time these are a bunch of questions Aunt Tammy has for you.

1.      How is the weather? Better?
 It is fine, It never was as hot as others made it out to be. I would rather have the extreme heat than extreme cold. But it is nice to not sweat quite so much, haha

2.      Alex says he used to get burned through his white shirts, do you?
No, I haven`t really burned at all. I have avoided using sun screen so that I tan more then don`t burn. I have only had one light burn on my mission so far.

3.      Do you have an awesome farmer tan?
Yes, haha I don`t know if you have seen the pictures but I will post more, haha

4.       Do you wear sunscreen?

5.       Do they have it over there?
Yes, haha

6.      Is it mountainous where you are or pretty flat?
It is very flat. The sky seems huge without mountains surrounding me.

7.       Alex says in Brazil all the poor people live up high and the "rich" people lived in the cities.
The poor people here live in dirt, metal, or wooden shacks they call houses. The rich people tend to live more in the city but they only have houses made out of brick and cement. Their architecture has not advanced more than the three little pigs story, haha me and my comp were talking about that today.

8.      Do the people there hate Justin Beiber?
Yes, me and my comp, haha the rest? I don`t know.
9.       I guess a while ago, he accidentally wiped his sweat on an Argentina flag and gave to a fan. I don't like Justin Beiber either, so I am with Argentinean's on this!
They are very very very prideful so I would bet that yes they were offended

10.  Do they listen to any American music over there?
Yes, half the music is random English songs and the other half is regaton and kumbia.

11.  Do you think the natives over there are prettier then American girls? ;op
No haha

12.  Have you eaten cow stomach or intestines or any other nasty things?
No I have avoided mondungo but I have eaten liver, pig`s face, I think kidney if I remember right but that is all that I can think of right now. Mostly we just eat rice or noodles with chicken or beef.

13.  What is the one food you miss the most?
That is hard... I miss it all... I miss flavor, I really want chick fil a and I want mexican food (although we have been able to make some) and lots of stuff

14.  Has your view changed on what you want to do (career) when you get back?
No, haha I still want to be a computer science engineer

15.  Do the kids go to school? Do they go until 12th grade? Is there a college around there?
Yes, they go in the morning come home eat sleep the siesta then go back to school until night. There are universities and they get to go for free but few people do. Most people just work in construction.

16.  Who cuts your hair?
We cut our own hair. We borrow a member’s clippers and cut it.

I love you guys and I can`t wait to hear from you next week! I will let you know how transfers go!

The picture of me with the flag is an award me and my comp got for being the mosted robbed companionship ha ha.

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