We have a baptism coming up next week! It almost happened on my birthday but Rocio didn`t go to church last week because her coworker was sick and she got called into work. But this Saturday si or si we will be having a baptism! We also hope that her mom Vilma will be getting baptized as well. She is a little scared to get baptized again and we think that she is scared of what her husband and neighbors will think. We are getting her ready for this week and so if she wants to we will have the clothes there and she will be ready to go!
Valentine’s day didn`t really affect us at all... besides give people a reason to break the law of chastity... But they would have probably broken it anyway. Elder Clemons and I didn`t do anything special at all. I told him feliz dia de amor and he just wanted to see his girlfriend so he was bitter about that.
I made pancakes this week with the syrup recipe you gave me! I still need to find coconut milk to make Rumbi rice but that will be delicious! (pictures of Dropbox) The chicken salad I haven`t done yet but will do soon, but what is exactly mexican creme? haha Also I don`t know if there is enough time to do the chicken noodle soup because it takes an hour and we only have an hour of lunch time.
Just yesterday we were waiting for Vilma and Rocio to make it to church (our crazy branch president started the meeting 10min early) and they didn`t make it until the sacrament started and they close the doors and don`t let anyone in. The problem is there is no foyer so often time’s people find it closed and just leave. I was very worried that this would happen but by divine interception Hna Loli and her daughter Damaris showed up (they are fellowshipping them) and waited there with them until the sacrament was over. I know that they were sent at that time to keep them there so that Rocio would be ready for her baptism this Saturday.
I don`t know how to say what part of my testimony has grown on my mission because really it all has. I have learned things that I never knew before and have a much stronger better understanding of the gospel. Before I more knew bits and pieces but I have seen everything come together more on my mission. I have learned of the importance of all the differences in our religion and that of others. Also I have seen the depth and understanding that we have in comparison to that of the other churches. It is really interesting to see how even from a purely logical point of view our church is the only one that is possibly correct. Sometimes I feel like people are crazy because they don`t see it but it is really just that they are too stuck in their ways and don`t want to change. But I definitely have no doubts that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church on the face of the earth. The restoration and the Book of Mormon are evidence of it. One only has to take Moroni`s challenge and ask of God if the book is true and they can also know with certainty of the same. The same way that Peter knew when Christ asked him who he was, through the power of the Holy Ghost we can know and that is the only true and lasting testimony that we can receive. All others are only temporal. I know these things are true by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost and nothing will change that. Let God stand as my witness that I know it and that I am here to let all know it as well.
Well, I have run out of time and I can`t wait to hear from you next week. I love you all tons!!
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