ate my half way ice cream this week, it was very delicious! It wasn`t hard
ether... that is a little sad that I ate two pounds of ice cream like it was

so dang. This week is a long story. This
Wednesday we had planned that all of our investigators would go and have their
baptism interviews right? Well we went to meet Sergio and he didn`t show up. So
we went to the house he is living in (with his drunk friend Raul) to try to
find him. When we got there luckily we did run into him his son and he told us
that Sergio left for central (he goes there pretty much every day to try to get
is half of his inheritance from his sister. Then we went to the interviews for
Rosa and her family but when we got there she didn`t answer. We then called her
and she said that she was at the other side of Resistencia with a cousin of
hers that she didn`t know was a member`s. So with our defeat we went to go get
ice cream and rescheduled the interviews for the following day since there was
no other option. The following day luckily it all worked out and they had their
interviews. The next day we had their baptisms and when we got to the stake
center the font wasn`t filled (sigh...) so we had to wait an hour and a half to
let it fill. Then we had the baptisms. The next day we got a call from a member
saying that Rosa had an accident on her moto. We quickly went over to her house
to see how she was. Luckily she had only burnt her leg and injured/broken a
small part of her foot. What was even more of a relief was that she was telling
us how that was just a trial of the devil and she didn`t attribute what
happened to her baptism. Her sister had told her it was because she got baptized
but Rosa chastised her and told her she had found the truth and that he
protected her daughters and she was only minimally injured. It was a huge
testimony builder to see her have such a strong testimony and so soon. She has
only been investigating for three weeks. Then later that night as we were
visiting the last person before going back to the pensh and their stupid dog
bit me. Luckily it didn`t penetrate my pants but it did my skin. There is a
picture in dropbox.

The next morning, the morning of the confirmations. We left
our pensh to go gather investigators and Rosa, her daughters, and Sergio. We
were walking down a street and two guys on moto go speeding down the street
like always but then come to a sliding stop next to us. The one on the back
jumped off and pulled out a gun and told us to give him our phone and bags. So
now we are once again without a phone and he stole my new bag that I had
bought. It was smaller so that it fit only scriptures and flyers. So they ended
up with ties (that a member had just given us, flyers, Elder Clemons triple, my
small bible, my small camera, cell phone, our lunch calendar list, and
baptismal papers). For the most part they will be very disappointed with their
loot. Also if the police would have come in a reasonable time they could have
caught them too. We were robbed then some of the neighbors gave us seats and
told us that they called to cops. While we were waiting (10 min later) the guy
passed buy again without his accomplice and gave us a peace sign. The cops didn’t
show up for another twenty minutes. So after that we made it to church only fifteen
minutes late. But we missed the confirmations and Sergio wasn’t there. That
afternoon we went and found Sergio and brought him to the Branch president`s
house and we confirmed him. So long story short, yes four baptisms and four confirmations!!!
Making a total of 12 converts in 12 months. I have a goal to have at least 24
converts by the end of my mission. Don’t worry about me everything is great. I
love you so much and can’t wait to talk to you next week!
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