Monday, July 15, 2013

1/4 of the way done and eating the ice cream to prove it!?!

Yes!!! I was going to say something about being a ¼ of the way done in my letter but you beat me to it, jaja There is a tradition that every quarter of your mission you go to gridos and eat a half kilo of ice cream for every quarter that has passed. One kilo is 2.2lbs, jaja so tomorrow I have to eat 1.1lbs of ice cream, jaja. It will be delicious.

I am enjoying my new hijo! It is different to be the one who is making all the decisions and deciding where to go and what to do, jaja We get along great, he is probably the best and easiest to train hijo ever! He is always looking for things to improve on, he already knew a ton about everything when he got here, he truly loves everyone(including the drunks on the street). The easy things about training are that mi hijo is the best and super easy going. The hardest part is trying to console him when there are drunks on the street that he feels bad for and I don`t always know what to say... he is a lot more loving than I am and I don`t feel very bad for them like he does...

 I am not tired every day anymore. It was more than anything at the beginning of my time here, I am wondering if it was just getting accustomed to it here.

The food pictures in dropbox last week…  one was a flan cheesecake desert that the bishop’s wife made for us after I fixed their camera, It was really good! The pizza is a pizza we made in our apartment. I put some more this week that is food we have made this week, cheesy rice, fideos, more pizza. and to answer Grandma`s question from a few weeks ago that I forgot to answer bon bons are a crème center with a wafer shell that is covered in chocolate.


Right now we are facing a lot of troubles with different investigators. Diego is ready to be baptized but doesn`t want to, Juan wants to be baptized but the lady he is with is married to someone else who she wants to divorce but he doesn`t want to divorce her. And even when both people want to divorce it is a really long many year process. But we have Estefana and Agustin who have dates for the 27th of this month that I think will be baptized then! Estefana I think for sure! She is really interested and has several children who are members!

I am trying to set up fishing with Hno Fleytas (owns the house we live in) for P-day and we were supposed to go this week but there was rain, so hopefully next week!

I received my package it is awesome!!! I love the seasonings they are rico! One of the Chick fi la sauces made it!! I was really excited to eat that with my dinner one night! And the magic trick the kids are going to love!!


A few crazy things happened this week. This week was the first time that someone started breastfeeding during a lesson, I am surprised it didn`t happen earlier, jaja We had a lesson with a couple of boratchos this week and I wish that I had a video of it! It was funny and ridiculous. They kept complaining to us about how one of their houses is flooded and the government isn`t fixing it and the whole time they aren`t doing anything about it they are just sitting there drinking and smoking. My poor companion felt bad for them and was crying a little because he wanted to help them. I need to figure out how to help him with the drunk people… He is always trying to give people stuff or buy things for everyone.

I love you all so much and I can`t wait to hear from you all next week! Hasta luego!

Muddy Formosa

Beautiful Sunny Formosa

My new clothes dryer!

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