1. What are the responsibilities of a district leader?
I have to call all the missionaries in our district every night and I have to plan the district meetings every week.
2. What are the responsibilities of a zone leader?
As a zone leader we have to do a whole bunch of things. Whenever anyone has questions they call us and we have to solve the problem. Lots of times the office has us do stuff like collect peoples rent tickets to make sure they paid and any extra money. Or collect their baptism papers and stuff like that. Also we have to interview the district leaders’ baptismal candidates and the districts baptismal candidates. Well this week has been a little crazy as a zone leader.. Yesterday we had a lot of craziness because some elders came to Resistencia for emergency transfers and we had to accompany one of them and then he slept the night in our pensh. We are a little behind on everything because of all of that.
3. Do the sister missionaries cause you any problems, I mean like drama ha ha?
So far we have been luck to not have drama. There is one new Hermana that is a little dramatic but not too bad, sometimes I just don`t know how to respond to her, haha It is always an interesting stage just getting here from the MTC and adjusting to the mission. But there isn`t any problems.
Our apartment is really nice, the only thing that it doesn`t have is air conditioning. We are in the process of trying to convince our owner to put it in. We haven`t gone since I got here but it is now the end of the month and we will be going soon.
5. Do you go to more than one ward on Sunday now that you are a zone leader?
No, our ward is the Rio Negro ward which meets in the same building as Barrio 1. We just have opposite schedules. We start sacrament first and then have classes and they have classes first and sacrament after.
6. Is your mission president in your ward?
No, he jumps around to all of the wards in the mission. I haven`t seen him at church for the three weeks that I have been here. Last week I did see Hna Franco with the Hermana’s attending the Barrio 1 ward.
7. If you have any other great stories let us know.
Umm... a great story... We this week we had to go to the office and get supplies to send to las palmas (a small village outside resi) and so we had to wait there until the guy came to pick up the supplies to deliver them. While there we ate lunch with the office and we bought a pizza that was really good. It was double layered with a lomo meat inside and French fries on top. Then they asked me to help them with their computer because it was having problems and so I fixed it and am now known as the computer whisperer in the office, haha