Read Preach My Gospel, the whole thing - you
won't have time to do it here.
Study Scripture Mastery and mark them all - in
your mission language too if you have a copy of them - the scripture mastery
scriptures are EXTREMELY helpful for teaching and you will have to teach in
your mission language on day three!
Learn all of the lessons in chapter 3 of Preach My
Study the scriptures as much as possible (Study
topics such as the atonement, faith, service, plan of salvation, etc to have
good scriptures for teaching.)
What to expect your first days at the MTC:
The first day that you get there you are greeted by a host
missionary, who has been there anywhere from one week to twelve weeks. You are
taken to 1M where you are herded through various lines to get your keys, card,
nametag, etc. You then meet back up with your host who takes you and your
luggage to your residence hall and you leave your stuff there (Make sure to get
a bottom bunk if you can, if not make sure that your companions switch
top/bottom every Thursday for linen exchange. The bottom is easier to get on
and easier to make - plus you can put a sheet up and make a man cave J).
Then you are taken to your classroom where you spend all your days at the MTC.
When you first get there you will be greeted by your teacher who will only
speak the language of the mission you are going to. You will then watch an
orientation video and meet your companion(s). You will get to go to dinner and
it is always a single choice dinner night but you do get ice-cream every
Wednesday and Sunday. You will then go to some rooms and teach “investigators”
as a group of about thirty or so. After this your Zone leaders will introduce
themselves and tell you about some of the rules. You then are taken back to the
residence halls to unpack for the night. This concludes your first day!
On the second day, as long as it doesn't change, which it
probably will because that is the one thing you can expect at the MTC is
change, you will start to have a somewhat normal schedule. You will have study
and class time with your district which is what you will do most days pretty
much all day. You will have to turn in you immunization record the first week,
I don't know for sure what day. On the night of the second day you will meet
with the Branch Presidency and they will decide a district leader, after
interviewing the whole district. They will also decide senior companion, which
is the person who comes alphabetically first, haha. The district leader will
also switch after three weeks. Then your zone leaders will take you on a tour
of the MTC and hopefully tell you all the tricks, if not that is hopefully what
this letter is for!
Some things to know at the MTC:
When sending mail make sure to use the blue
mailbox outside of 2M not the one in the laundry room - the one in the laundry room
doesn't get checked!
The computers in the laundry room are the only
ones that can send pictures!
If you don't feel like getting dressed up to eat
in the cafeteria you can get a sack breakfast but you have to wake up early because
the line gets long fast! It starts at 6:30 so be there at least by 6:20 if you
don't want to wait a half hour+
You can mix and match the food, but I don't know
what kind of food they will have when new people come because they keep getting
rid of more and more of the options each week.
Wake up early for showers so you don't have to
wait a half hour. I get up around 6:05 and pretty much all the showers are open
at that time!
In your mission call book in your address there
is a line with initials of your mission, for me ARG-RES 0225 which has a
predicted date of departure from the MTC namely 0225 or February 25! I wish I
would have known that.
Find out how much you weight before you come to
the MTC, it is interesting to see how your weight changes - there is a luggage
scale in the gym in the north west stairwell that you can check your weight on
while there
You will probably buy a clip attachment for your
magnet name tag and if you do make sure to buy the black one not the pearl one
- the pearl one is the girls one and some Elders don't realize this, haha.
Make sure to let all your friends know about Dear
Elder it makes it easier for them to write you and therefore more likely. You
will find out, mail here is like gold.
10. If
you have a rough time the first week, just make it through Sunday. A lot of people
told me this and I didn’t believing it, but after that Sunday night’s
devotional I found out it was true, haha.
“Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak;
therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God. For in His
strength I can do all things; yea; behold many mighty miracles we have wrought
in this land, for which we will praise His name forever.” Alma 26:12 I know
that I alone could do nothing to make a difference, but with the Lord’s help
anything is possible. I would like the world to know that Jesus is the Christ;
he bled and died for us on the cross so we can live again with our loving
Heavenly Father and our families. This church is the only true church here on
this earth with the full truth and restored gospel. I am so grateful to be a
part of it; it has truly blessed my life. I am excited for your turn to serve
and be a part of this great work. The gospel is true! Elder Pickle